Prof. Dr. Inke R. König, Prof. Dr. Jeanette Erdmann, and Prof. Dr. Lars Bertram from our university are among the top 1% most cited scientists of 2018 for the first time.
The criterion of frequent citation of one’s own publications in the publications of other scientists is regarded as a benchmark for the rank of the respective research achievement.
With their inclusion in the “Highly Cited Researcher” list, the three UzL professors are honoured for their publication activities between 2006 and 2016 in the newly created “Cross-Field” category.
The “Highly Cited Researchers” list is an annual list of scientists and scholars who have been recognized for their outstanding publication work. Only publications in journals listed in the “Web of Science Core Collection” (currently comprising over 20,000 international journals) are taken into account. From the publications of these journals, the top 1% measured by citations in other publications in the respective scientific field and year were then taken into account for papers published between 2006 and 2016.
The list of “Highly Cited Researchers” compiled for 2018 contains the names of approximately 6000 researchers worldwide who meet these criteria, including for the first time the three professors working at the UzL.
The statistics are based on the “Web of Sci-ence” database maintained by the US-based company Clarivate Analytics, which also calculates the “Journal Impact Factor” and publishes it annually (Source URL:; under this link you will also find further details on the survey and evaluation methods).