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PlaqOmics progress meeting in Lübeck

On Sunday April 7th we will welcome our colleagues and collaborators from the PlaqOmics consortium for a two-days progress meeting.

PlaqOmics is funded by the Leducq Foundation for a total of 5 years. We started in Autumn 2018 and we have next week our first progress meeting.

40 scientists, from senior to junior researcher, will discuss our hypothesis that detrimental reprogramming of smooth muscle cells (SMC) destabilizes atherosclerotic plaques and that there are critical genetic determinants of coronary artery disease risk that act in part by impacting SMC phenotypic transitions.

More information about PlaqOmics can be found here:

PlaqOmics progress meeting in Lübeck Read More »

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Wir machen mit!

Fast schon eine Tradition, auch in diesem Jahr nimmt das ICG am “Girl´s Day” 2019 teil!

In diesem Jahr findet der “Girl´s Day” am 28.3.2019 statt. Teilnehmen können alle Mädchen ab der fünften Klasse.

Ein Tag speziell für dich, an dem du neue Berufe entdecken und dich und deine Fähigkeiten testen kannst.

Am “Girls’Day” lernst Du Berufe kennen, in denen Männer die meiste Zeit gearbeitet haben – z.B. Informatiker und Forscher. Junge Frauen sind hier sehr gefragt!

Weitere Informationen findest Du hier. Wenn Du Dich registrieren möchtest, sende uns bitte eine E-Mail.


Almost a tradition, the ICG take part in “Girl´s Day” 2019!

This year the “Girl´s Day” will take place on 28.3.2019. All girls from the fifth grade can take part.

A day especially for you, where you can discover new professions and test yourself and your skills.

On “Girls’Day” you’ll get to know professions in which men have been working most of the time – e.g. computer scientist and researcher. Young women are in great demand here!

More information can be found here. If you want to register please drop us an e-mail.

Wir machen mit! Read More »


4th retreat of the ICG will be held from 23./24.05 2019 in Parin

This year the retreat of the institute will take place from 23.05. – 24.05.2019 at the Gutshaus Parin in Parin approximately 1-hour drive away from Lübeck.

This 1,5-day meeting is dedicated to science and fun – we hope for interesting discussions, new research ideas and team spirit.

The agenda of the meeting will be posted in March 2019.

Please stay tuned if you are interested in our work.

4th retreat of the ICG will be held from 23./24.05 2019 in Parin Read More »

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Is Germany losing the international lead in genome sequencing and genetic diagnosis of previously unknown causes of disease? In Germany, around 30,000 children and their parents would be able to completely decipher their genetic material each year. In this way, it would be possible to track down unexplained diseases and advance the molecular understanding of diseases. This figure is calculated from around 760,000 newborns per year and an assumed frequency of up to four percent for developmental disorders caused by individual gene defects that could be investigated for their cause using whole genome sequencing (WGS).

The costs of deciphering the human genome in this way are falling rapidly worldwide. Huge databases with known mutations in 4,000 of the estimated 20,000 human genes are being created. In experienced clinical centers, “whole genome sequencing” (WGS) allows molecular diagnoses in about half of the cases studied, especially for such monogenic hereditary diseases. Other countries are leading the way: The National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom has decided to introduce this complete decoding of the genetic material nationwide from October 2018 as part of routine genetic diagnostics for the clarification of certain diseases. Complete genome sequencing is to be used in intensive care units for newborns and children without a clear diagnosis, in addition to certain types of cancer. Other leading industrial countries such as France, the USA and China are moving in the same direction with their genome medicine programmes and are making rapid progress.

With the press briefing on the WISSENSWERTE renowned human geneticists present concepts for a course change for Germany. How can genome medicine in this country develop further in order to find an international connection? Why would it make sense to completely decipher the genome of newborns and children with developmental disorders? What about the “Polygenic Risk Scores”, which allegedly allow predictions to be made about individual risks for complex widespread diseases? Which strategy for genome sequencing in medicine would be the most sensible for Germany?

These questions – and yours! – will be answered by the experts on the podium.

You can watch the entire discussion on Youtube.


Prof. Dr. Michael Krawczak

Direktor des Instituts für Medizinische Informatik und Statistik

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Prof. Dr. Jeanette Erdmann

Direktorin des Instituts für Kardiogenetik

Universität zu Lübeck

Prof. Dr. Olaf Rieß

Ärztlicher Direktor des Instituts für Medizinische Genomik und Angewandte Genomik

Universitätsklinikum Tübingen

Prof. Dr. Hans-Hilger Ropers

emeritierter Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Genetik Berlin und Professor
und Facharzt am Institut für Humangenetik, Universität Mainz


Volker Stollorz

Redaktionsleiter Science Media Center Germany, Köln


Translated from the German website.

Press briefing about GENOME SEQUENCING IN MEDICINE Read More »

SAVE THE DATE TdDZf Gesundheit aktualisiert 1

Tag der “Deutschen Zentren der Gesundheitsforschung”

Welcome to the “Tag der Deutschen Zentren der Gesundheitsforschung” at the University of Lübeck which will be held on November 30, 2018 from 15:00 to 20:00 in the foyer of the CBBM.


This event is meant to foster collaborations among the 4 centers and to discuss potential joint future research agendas. We are happy to welcome Prof. Dr. med. Otmar Wiestler, president of the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, as a key note speaker. Furthermore, 4 talks will introduce the research agendas of the DZHK, DZIF, DZL, and DZD. A panel discussion with our president (Prof. Gillessen-Kaesbach) and 4 representatives of the local centers will complement the afternoon. Later, we will offer the stage to our junior scientists. Flash-Talks and poster presentations will hopefully stimulate the scientific discussions.

Full agenda and registration form can be found at

Tag der “Deutschen Zentren der Gesundheitsforschung” Read More »

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